Super User

Since Ontario has entered Stage 3 reopening, we have rescheduled two events. One in August for the Timbers Family BBQ and the Drive Your Studebaker Day in September. Please remember the restrictions and stay safe.

It is a certainty that every car I see at a cruise or car show is using some type of motor oil. Since becoming more interested in motor oils, I find the decision making process used by my peers, to be so very interesting. 

Some men have all their service and maintenance work performed by someone else and do not know the details of the oil used in their motors. At the other end of the spectrum are the very talented car guys that complete every bit of service on their cars including body work and paint. These later men, however, range all over the map with respect to their oil knowledge.

Let me share the process I used to choose a motor oil. First some background. 

I own two early 60’s VW beetles. These are air-cooled, small displacement, six volt engines in which engine heat is removed via transfer of heat from cooling fins to moving air as well as the transfer of heat from the oil to moving air. The cars are infrequently driven and the stock factory motor had no oil filter. The VW owner’s manual calls for 30W oil in summer and 20W in winter. I don’t drive the cars in the winter so only summer driving conditions are relevant. 

Finding 30W oil was at first not that difficult, yet as modern engines evolved into users of multi-grade 0W-20, it was becoming harder to find. As I recall, only oil viscosity was a consideration when purchasing oil. I was ignorant about motor oil additives and their importance. 

One day a local VW club member described the “zinc” issue to me. I did not understand the issue until I decided to complete some extensive research (mostly internet) . Wow, what an eye opener! 

To my chagrin I found that modern motor oils are not backwards compatible to the era of my cars and after thinking about it, why would they be; modern motor oils are made for modern cars.

My research also informed me that there were many oils claiming to be designed for classic cars but they rarely supported their claims with hard, factual numbers. Phrases such as “high zinc” were common yet the actual concentration (ppm) was absent from the label. I also found a “sub-industry”

which produced “additives” that one could simply pour into motor oil and voila, significant protection against valve train wear was implied. When I learned about the process used in blending additive formulations during the motor oil creation process I knew that just dumping the contents of a small bottle into the oil filler spout of an engine and expecting it to protect my engine was “hope beyond

hope”. For me “additives” were a non-starter. 

I did find, during my internet research, two motor oils that were conceived by car guys and

manufactured by proper, modern, lubrication companies. I found it interesting that these two companies created the same product, but they did it independently, one in the USA and one in Canada.

The American company is Classic Car Motor Oil and the seed of the idea originated from the Indiana Region of the Classic Car Club of America. The oil blender is D-A Lubricant Company Inc., Lebanon, Indiana. In Canada, the company is Collector Automobile Motor Oil Ltd. and the oil blender is BOSS Lubricants, Calgary, Alberta. Both of these companies sell an American Petroleum Institute certified, motor oil designed specifically for collector and classic cars, tractors and stationary engines (common element = flat tappet and infrequent use).

Many men, I have learned, use an oil in their classic ride, that was created for a different type of application. Diesel oil is commonly used in flat tappet engines. Racing oil is also frequently used in classic cars because it has “really” high zinc concentration. Some use fully synthetic oils and actually run the risk of increasing tappet wear due to reduced tappet rotation on account that the oil is too slippery; the tappets actually end up wearing faster. 

Upon the conclusion of my research, I decided that the best oil to use in my cars was an oil designed and created specifically for my application; i.e. a custom blended specialty oil. Was I not asking for trouble by using an oil designed for another purpose, in my cars? 

As a point of clarification, following completion of my oil research, I began immediately, to use the Canadian CAM Oil in my cars. In fact I was so pleased with the oil that I became the Ontario representative as I am located in Mississauga (Toronto), Ontario, Canada. 

I am now very comfortable knowing I am using an oil suited exactly to my application.

Peace of mind.


Hank Blommers

Ontario Representative, Collector Automobile Motor Oil Ltd.

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Collector Automobile Motor Oil Ltd. is in no way affiliated with the US Classic Car Motor Oil

For further information:



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Ontario SDC, SDC and Studebaker fans out there on the Internet.

On Saturday, the 08th of September, we will be hosting our second ever Fall Chapter Swap Meet at the Codrington Community Centre from 9 AM – 3 PM. All Studebaker Owners and interested persons are invited to attend.

It happens to fall on the annual International Drive your Studebaker Day so what better day but to hop in your Old Stude and drive down to Codrington for a fun day of meeting fellow Studebaker Enthusiasts, having a Hot Dog and selling or buying afew extra parts. 

If you wish to sell any parts it’s free for all Ontario Chapter Members and if you wish to book a table to sell Parts let me know as there is limited space inside. For non-members its simple, just pay $10 for a pro-rated 2012 membership and you are good to go. Lots of room outside which also has a good size parking lot to display all of the Studebakers that make the drive. Prize to be presented to the Chapter Member that drove the farthest to get to the Swap Meet. Hot Dogs, Coffee, drinks, and donuts will be for sale inside and if you want to plan a Picnic there are tables outside.

Contact Will Norton at 613-377-6074 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a table or for more information on this fun event.

Directions :  Head towards Exit 509 (Brighton) on the Hwy 401 and head North   towards Campbellford.  Drive for approx 10 Kms on Hwy 30N and as you enter Codrington, the Community Centre is on the left.

As you can see, we have upgraded our website. As the webmaster, I had committed to upgrading the site as the original had been built back in 2006. It was time for an update and we're glad that it is now live. Here are some of the new features of the site:

The Studebaker Plant in Hamilton will be going under the wrecking ball this year and SDC members will be able to visit the Plant as a group to view it one last time. Date and Time to be announced as Stu Chapman will let us know when this will happen. I suspect sometime this summer after SMIC and hoping not during the International SDC meet in South Bend. Once we get a date and time, we will attempt to get a group of cars and members together to meet there. We will keep you posted!

Come one and all SDC/AOAI/ASC Members or Studebaker Owners to help celebrate the 50th year of the SDC in scenic Belleville, Ontario, Gateway to Prince Edward County. Our Guests of Honour will be former Studebaker Employees along with Canadian Studebaker Dealers, Salesmen & VIPs. If you have a “Made in Canada” Studebaker now is the time for a Homecoming trip to meet and talk with the persons that helped make or sold such fine vehicles. It’s our 40th Anniversary as an SDC Chapter so help us celebrate Studebaker, the people that build them and meet SDC members that have continued the legacy.

Please see our dedicated site for more information