Club News

Club News (6)

Tuesday, 26 October 2021 21:48

Ontario Chapter SDC 50th Anniversary

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Tuesday, 20 December 2016 14:00

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Ontario SDC, SDC and Studebaker fans out there on the Internet.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012 22:37

The Ontario SDC needs you!

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Well it’s soon time again to hold our annual Executive Committee elections at the AGM. During the past three AGMs that we held elections it was voted to have two year Committee terms of office so we would have continuity. I thought it would be a good time to let you know what positions we are looking to fill for 2013 and 2014. The elected positions are:

Vice President
Recording Secretary

Presently our Recording Secretary position is vacant. If interested in any of the above positions just give me a phone call or send me a letter and I can let you know what is expected if you are interested in becoming an elected Committee Member. The deadline for accepting nominations for these positions is Sept 15th so we can post them via e-mail. The Chapter member that submits their name is expected to be at the AGM so if there is a runoff then a vote can take place and the winning member can be introduced. The following Committee positions are appointed by the above Committee members or are volunteers for certain functions, areas or events. The following members currently fill the following positions year by
year and are expected to remain in these positions for 2013.

Bill Foy – Eastern Ontario Region
Paul Revell – Toronto Region
Bob Easton – Niagara Region
Verne Brinsmead – Muskoka

Webmaster – Eric Norton
Editor – Eldon Kemp

Presently our Historian position is vacant and what we also need is a Tourmaster in the Southwest or Kitchener Waterloo areas so we can attempt to hold Chapter events in that area on a more regular basis. If you are interested in helping out as a Tourmaster in any of our areas or become our Historian give me a call or e-mail. If you aren’t sure then I hope you will consider attending the annual General meeting at The Village Inn in Lakefield on the 14th of October, 1 PM and get to meet your Executive and fellow Ontario Chapter SDC members. Come early and have lunch with your fellow Chapter members. The present Committee has worked hard to organize events for your enjoyment. Always looking for new ideas and events to make our Chapter better. See you at the Annual General Meeting

Will Norton
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing address:
P.O. Box 184
Yarker, ON
K0K 3N0

Tuesday, 21 August 2012 14:46

Studebaker Made In Canada – A time to celebrate

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If you made it to Studebaker Made in Canada, congratulations as it proved to a highly successful event which saw us pay homage to eight guests of honour while proudly driving or displaying our Studebakers to all who came to the car show or admired our Studes while driving around in the Bay of Quinte area. The Ontario Chapter members support for this event was excellent whether coming for the car show or the whole weekend, helping to operate the registration desk or organize the car show, we did ourselves proud. In addition, the Hamilton Chapter SDC and the Canadian Avanti Owners Association had many of their members in attendance. Also visit the SMIC website with updated with photos from the event!

Saturday, 07 July 2012 13:11

Ontario Chapter Fall Swap Meet

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On Saturday, the 08th of September, we will be hosting our second ever Fall Chapter Swap Meet at the Codrington Community Centre from 9 AM – 3 PM. All Studebaker Owners and interested persons are invited to attend.

It happens to fall on the annual International Drive your Studebaker Day so what better day but to hop in your Old Stude and drive down to Codrington for a fun day of meeting fellow Studebaker Enthusiasts, having a Hot Dog and selling or buying afew extra parts. 

If you wish to sell any parts it’s free for all Ontario Chapter Members and if you wish to book a table to sell Parts let me know as there is limited space inside. For non-members its simple, just pay $10 for a pro-rated 2012 membership and you are good to go. Lots of room outside which also has a good size parking lot to display all of the Studebakers that make the drive. Prize to be presented to the Chapter Member that drove the farthest to get to the Swap Meet. Hot Dogs, Coffee, drinks, and donuts will be for sale inside and if you want to plan a Picnic there are tables outside.

Contact Will Norton at 613-377-6074 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a table or for more information on this fun event.

Directions :  Head towards Exit 509 (Brighton) on the Hwy 401 and head North   towards Campbellford.  Drive for approx 10 Kms on Hwy 30N and as you enter Codrington, the Community Centre is on the left.

Come one and all SDC/AOAI/ASC Members or Studebaker Owners to help celebrate the 50th year of the SDC in scenic Belleville, Ontario, Gateway to Prince Edward County. Our Guests of Honour will be former Studebaker Employees along with Canadian Studebaker Dealers, Salesmen & VIPs. If you have a “Made in Canada” Studebaker now is the time for a Homecoming trip to meet and talk with the persons that helped make or sold such fine vehicles. It’s our 40th Anniversary as an SDC Chapter so help us celebrate Studebaker, the people that build them and meet SDC members that have continued the legacy.

Please see our dedicated site for more information