It's our 40th Anniversary!
The Ontario Chapter SDC welcomed the following
Guests of Honour
to Studebaker Made in Canada:
Stu Chapman Studebaker of Canada Hamilton Advertising & Public Relations Director 1963-66
Roy Graham Studebaker Dealership - Haydon, Ontario Grahams Garage Owner & Chief Mechanic
Over 54 years of service to Studebaker Owners
Reg Hillary Studebaker of Canada Sponsored Rally Car - Co-winner of the 1961 Trans Canada Car rally
while driving a 1961 Studebaker Lark.
Lou Saunders Studebaker of Canada Hamilton Factory Worker 1962-66
Peter Sant Studebaker of Canada Hamilton Purchasing Agent 1956-58
John Spillett Studebaker of Canada Hamilton Production Supervisor - 1948-66
Merry Grundy Tinsley Daughter of Mr. Gordon E. Grundy - President, Studebaker Corporation of Canada
George Wingfield Studebaker of Canada Hamilton Factory Worker 1962-66
Studebaker Made in Canada - Guests of Honour
Left to Right - Peter Sant, Lou Saunders, George Wingfield, Stu Chapman, Merry Grundy Tinsley, John Spillett, Roy Graham. Reg Hillary
Many thanks again to all of our Guests of Honour who attended Studebaker Made in Canada and helped
us celebrate the Canadian Studebaker Experience in so many ways