As you can see, we have upgraded our website. As the webmaster, I had committed to upgrading the site as the original had been built back in 2006. It was time for an update and we're glad that it is now live. Here are some of the new features of the site:
Final Farewell for Studebaker Plant in Hamilton
Published in
Club History
Written by Super User
20 June 2012
The Studebaker Plant in Hamilton will be going under the wrecking ball this year and SDC members will be able to visit the Plant as a group to view it one last time. Date and Time to be announced as Stu Chapman will let us know when this will happen. I suspect sometime this summer after SMIC and hoping not during the International SDC meet in South Bend. Once we get a date and time, we will attempt to get a group of cars and members together to meet there. We will keep you posted!